Package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.semmf.taxon

Interface Summary

Class Summary
BottomConcept A class representing a concept from a taxonomy, having one or more super concepts (multiple positions in the concept hierarchy !!!)
Concept A class representing a concept from a concept hierarchy.
ConceptPosition This class describes the position of a concept in the concept hierarchy.
ExpMilestCalc This class is a milestone calculator using an exponential function m(level) = 0.5 * pow (k, level), where k is a parameter passed to the constructor.
LinMilestCalc This class is a milestone calculator using a linear formula: m(level) = 1 - (level / deepestLevel).
SuperConcept A class representing a concept from a taxonomy, having one or more descendants but only ONE parent concept.
Taxonomy This class represents the hierarchical structure of concepts from a given ontology.