Interface NodeMatchingResult
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- NodeMatchingResultImpl
public interface NodeMatchingResult
In Jena2 all property values are of type RDFNode (Resources or Literals).
If the property value is a blank node, then it may have further properties
which should be considered by the matching engine. In this case the method
getPropertyMatchingResultList() will return a list of objects representing
the matching reulst of each single property.
- Version:
- 1.0
last modified 29.11.2006
- Author:
- Radoslaw Oldakowski
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode getQueryNode()
- Returns:
- RDFNode from a query graph
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode getResNode()
- Returns:
- RDFNode resource graph
java.lang.String getLabel()
- Returns:
- node label specified in a matching description.
float getSimilarity()
- Returns:
- the similarity value of both nodes.
If the node is a resource having properties this similarity value
includes the similarity of the nodes and the similarities of
their properties.
float getWeight()
- Returns:
- weight which represents the importance of this node among
other nodes in this particular cluster.
The weight is a float number [0..1]. The sum of all node weights
inside each cluster equals 1.
boolean isReversed()
- Returns:
- true if the matching has been reversed.
(=> resource and query node have been switched at similarity calculation)
java.util.List getPropertyMatchingResultList()
- Returns:
- a list of objects implementing the PropertyMatchingResult
interface. Each of this objects holds information about the matching
of a certain property of a node from a query graph with a coersponding
property of a coresponding node from a resource graph. The list returned
does not contain all properties of the node, but only those of them which
have been specified in the matching description and thus considered
by the matching engine.
If the list returned is empty, is means that this node similarity
is merely based on the node similarity itself without considering
any properties.