Interface GraphMatchingResult
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- GraphMatchingResultImpl
public interface GraphMatchingResult
When the method exec() is invoked on a MatchingEngine,
a MatchingResult object holding a List of ranked instances implementing
this interface is returned. These objects are sorted in a descending manner
=> the index starts at the object having the highest similarity.
- Version:
- 1.0
last modified 29.11.2006
- Author:
- Radoslaw Oldakowski
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource getQueryGraphEntryNode()
- Returns:
- Jena Resource object representing the entry of the query
graph which was matched against the resource graph, which entry, in turn,
is returned by the method getResourceGraphEntry().
com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource getResGraphEntryNode()
- Returns:
- Jena Resource object representing the entry of the resource
graph which was matched against an query graph, which entry, in turn,
is returned by the method getQueryGraphEntryNode().
float getSimilarity()
- Returns:
- similarity between both graphs
java.util.List getClusterMatchingResultList()
- The RDFNodes to be matched can be grouped into thematic clusters
- Returns:
- List of objects implementing the ClusterMatchingResult interface.